Communication is also a key priority for the new 2021-2027 programming period. Integrated signposting in all applications and promotion and communication actions contributes to the recognition of projects and actions co-funded by the EU and Greece for the benefit of citizens.
See the detailed Promotion and Communication Guide of the NSRF 2021-2027 here
Download the logo framework for Competitiveness Programme beneficiaries
Download the visual identity for Competitiveness Programme
Download the NSRF visual identity 2021-2027 (ZIP – 2Mb)
Download the EU co-funding and statement (ZIP – 1.23Mb)
Download the NSRF 2021-2027 logo (ZIP – 2.67Mb)
Online Generator for posters, signs, and plaques
The application for the creation of posters, signs, and plaques was developed with the aim of easily and quickly creating communication materials, as well as producing uniform materials without derogating from regulatory obligations.
It is recommended to use a photograph related to the project or the model of the project. If a photo cannot be used, it is recommended to use the application’s pre-installed standard graphics. Not using photographs or graphics will lead to a grey area (not recommended).
Logging into the poster, sign, and plaque Online Generator
Poster, sign, and plaque creation application user manual
Texts for information on and communication of the Programme:
- European Regulation 1060/2021
- Communication Guide NSRF 2021-2027
- Support Kit for EU Visibility
- Competitiveness Programme Communication Strategy
- Communicating Operations of Strategic Importance