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Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of Methodology and Criteria for the Selection of Operations in the context of Actions of the Competitiveness Programme

Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of Methodology and Criteria for the Selection of Operations in the context of Actions of the Competitiveness Programme

Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of Methodology and Criteria for the Selection of Operations in the context of Actions of the Competitiveness Programme

Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of the following items:

  1. Evaluation Methodology and Criteria for evaluation and selection of Operations with a ‘Seal of Excellence’ from a Union instrument.

Investment Priority 2: Strengthening entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
Policy objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe through promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.

Special Objective RSO1.2: Reap the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities.

  1. Evaluation Methodology and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of operations within the framework of the Action with code 2-1.2-04, entitled “Development of a Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHS) and the Central Digital Innovation Support Mechanism”.

Investment Priority 4: Human Capital Development in the context of development transformation
Policy objective 4: A more social and inclusive Europe through the implementation of the European pillar of social rights.

Special Objective ESO4.4: Promoting the adaptation of workers, enterprises, and entrepreneurs to change.
3. Evaluation Procedure and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Operations within the framework of the Action with code 4-4.4-05, entitled “Modernisation of business support services.”


 Decision of the 4th Written Procedure 

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