Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of the following items:
- Evaluation Methodology and Criteria for evaluation and selection of Operations with a ‘Seal of Excellence’ from a Union instrument.
Investment Priority 2: Strengthening entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
Policy objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe through promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
Special Objective RSO1.2: Reap the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities.
- Evaluation Methodology and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of operations within the framework of the Action with code 2-1.2-04, entitled “Development of a Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHS) and the Central Digital Innovation Support Mechanism”.
Investment Priority 4: Human Capital Development in the context of development transformation
Policy objective 4: A more social and inclusive Europe through the implementation of the European pillar of social rights.
Special Objective ESO4.4: Promoting the adaptation of workers, enterprises, and entrepreneurs to change.
3. Evaluation Procedure and Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Operations within the framework of the Action with code 4-4.4-05, entitled “Modernisation of business support services.”