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Website Terms of Use

Website Terms of Use

Terms of use and Privacy Policy

The website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance’s Managing Authority for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme collects in one place all the information related the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme. The goal of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme is to provide accurate and up-to-date data, and if errors are detected, every effort will be made to correct them.

Users of the website are asked to carefully read the following terms of use, as they apply in each case, and to use/visit pages and/or services only if they fully accept them.

These Terms of Use may be revised and updated at any time, therefore, the user/visitor must review the Terms of Use at regular intervals and particularly before taking any action based on the information, services, or procedures contained therein.

The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme can retain a file and process personal data provided by visitors to the  www.antagonistikotita.gr website via email, newsletter, contact form or other means, with the purpose of supporting, promoting, carrying out its relationship with citizens or for statistical purposes.

Personal data are retained for the period of time required for their processing.

In any case, the visitor/user of the website reserves the right to update or object to the further processing of their personal data at any time, in accordance with the relevant legislation in force in each case.


The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme bears no liability with regard to the content of the website. The website contains:

  • Information only of a general nature on the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the funding opportunities offered through it by the joint contribution of the EU and the Greek State. This information does not refer to or relate to cases of inclusion of natural or legal persons, is not intended to cover specific cases of natural or legal persons, is solely for information purposes addressed to potential final beneficiaries, beneficiaries and the target audience. The service provided via the contact form is for information purposes only, and is not intended to provide advice on any specific case. The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme retains full responsibility for evaluating, selecting, including, monitoring, inspecting and certifying operations included in the Operational Programme, in accordance with the applicable EU and National regulatory, institutional and legal framework for each financing operation.

The ‘Competitiveness’ Programme website, its content and the service provided via the contact form are of an informational nature only, do not replace or prevail over official documents, acts and decisions of the Managing Authority. Any specialised clarifications are sought from the competent services of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, and can be obtained from specialised professionals in each case. The answers provided by the Information Office of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme are of a general nature, based on the information brought before it by investors. Management is not bound by the answers relating to the assessment of compliance with national and EU legislation at the level of any specific investment. This check is carried out after reviewing all of the information, both during potential inclusion in the programme and during the certification check.

  • Information that is as current, complete, accurate or up-to-date as possible. The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme ensures that the information is current and complete, but it is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies thereof and does not guarantee that errors will be corrected or that answers will be provided to all questions put to it.
  • Information, sometimes linked to websites other than the one of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and not controlled by it, for the content of which it cannot be held liable.

The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme also aims to minimise any difficulties caused by technical problems. However, certain data or information on the website of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free. The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme cannot guarantee that the provision of this service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme assumes no responsibility for any problems that may arise due to the use of this website.

Under no circumstances shall the Managing Authority be held liable for any type of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the website due to use or inability to use, lack of availability or failure to update its Content in time, or for the consequences of any act or omission of its visitors that occurred as a result of use of the website.

The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme is also not responsible for the content of or services provided by other websites to which it refers via links, or by the advertisements it may host, and provides only the means for their promotion or interconnection, and cannot be held liable for their content or correctness.

The Managing Authority does not guarantee that its website or any other website to which it refers through which content is made available to visitors/users are offered without viruses or other harmful elements. The visitor/user of the website assumes the relevant risk and any cost that may be incurred in any such case.

Copyright notice

The titles, marks, logos, images and other indications connected to concerning or identifying or referring to the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, the EPAnEK programme, EPAN II, or anything else that identifies them, belong to the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The Managing Authority reserves all intellectual property rights in relation to the Website Content and any derivative works created based thereon, which may be subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of Managing Authority.

Reproduction without the written consent of the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme is prohibited.

Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the above-mentioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use.

These terms of use of the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance’s Managing Authority for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, as well as any amendment thereto, are governed by Greek law, European Union law and the relevant international treaties.


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