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‘Competitiveness 2021–2027’ Programme

‘Competitiveness 2021–2027’ Programme

The “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme is an integrated intervention in the productive, competitive, and outward-looking sectors of the economy in their transition to a development model guided by the Knowledge Economy, reflecting to a great extent the Country’s development priorities and in line with the Commission’s new priorities.

The Programme is the implementation tool of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (NSSS), which links research and innovation with entrepreneurship and the strengthening of national and regional advantages.

It is also in line with European Union policies for the digital and green transformation of the Greek economy. Integrated support initiatives will be designed to cover the entire range of enterprises’ needs in terms of information, strengthening partnerships, developing new business models and finding technological, human and investment resources.

In the long term, the Programme’s goal is to increase the size of Greek enterprises and bolster their international orientation, making them a key driver of growth for the Greek economy.

The “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme’s strategy is complementary to the interventions of REACT-EU, which finances short-term measures in the labour market, health and SME support with liquidity and solvency support, investments in green and digital transition, and the RRF, which finances reforms and long-term investments for the productivity and resilience of the economy.

The “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme, with a financial envelope of approximately €3.9 billion in Public Expenditure, of which €3.1 billion comes from Community resources of the ERDF and ESF+, sets priorities for strengthening the productive potential of the economy and the relevant human skills.

With a strong growth footprint through actions and projects with high added value and multiplying benefits for both society and the economy, the projects/actions of the “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme are expected to contribute substantially to remedying the structural deficiencies of the Greek economy.

The “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme’s strategy is organized on four key investment axes within the framework of the respective Funds:


The Programme’s Actions are expected to produce the following results:

  • Accelerating the transition to high-quality innovative entrepreneurship
  • Supporting productive investments with emphasis on innovation, technological adaptation, digital transformation and the shift towards environmentally friendly processes and products
  • Growth of the production of internationally marketable products and services
  • Strengthening of new/startup entrepreneurship with high added value
  • Upgrading and qualitative modernisation of the tourism product
  • Supporting the development/adoption of innovations
  • Business support services and creation of a favourable business environment
  • Accelerating the country’s green and digital transition and technological development
 You can find the complete version of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme here




 You can find the complete version of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme here

Supporting Material for the New Programming Period 2021-2027

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