Conduct of an Electronic Tender for preparation of the project titled ‘Provision of support services by a specialised Technical Advisor for the development of smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship skills, in the context of the Competitiveness programme 2021-2027’
Type of Procedure: The tender will be conducted through the open procedure of Article 27 of Law 4412/16.
Budget: €80,000 plus 24% VAT, which is €19,200, i.e. a total budget of €99,200.
End date for receipt of bids: 14.00 on 28 May 2024
Bid submission website: The tender will be carried out using the National Electronic Public Procurement System (ESIDIS) platform, through the system’s web portal
Award criterion: The most economically advantageous tender based on best value for money.
CPV: Business and management consultancy and related services (CPV: 79400000-8) and general management consultancy services (CPV:79411000 – 8).
Co-financing: The project has been included in the “Competitiveness 2021-2027” Programme. This contract is funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund).