Issue date: 04/07/2024
First day for submission: 10/07/2024 at 08:00
Final day for submission: 30/09/2024 at 07:00
Issuing Authority: Managing Authority (MA) for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme
Call Code: 013
Budget: €10,000,000.00
This call is addressed to the Public Employment Service (DYPA) for the submission of project proposals (operations), to be included and funded under the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the ‘ESF+’ Fund and the Actions 4-4.1-01-New entrepreneurship programme for 1,900 beneficiaries aged 30 to 55 with an emphasis on the digital economy.
The Action with code 02-8iii-2.1-07 and title:@ ‘Business initiative subsidy programme for the employment of young self-employed professionals with a focus on the digital economy’ was included in EPAnEK as an operation with DYPA as the beneficiary. The Action concerns the support of new enterprises that have been created from 01/01/2022 onwards, by former unemployed persons aged 30-55 years. Emphasis was placed on digital economy enterprises
Phase 2 of the Action under the 2021-2027 Programming Period, concerns the support of enterprises which, in their entirety, were incorporated in 2023, approved for funding and implemented part of their approved plan under EPAnEK 2014-2020 with eligibility from the date of their incorporation, and complete the physical and economic object of their plan under the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, thereby achieving either the third milestone in 2024, or the second and third milestone, based on which their aid was paid. In Phase 2 of the Action (2021-2027 PP), enterprises are the direct beneficiaries and the common ESF indicators for participants are not applied.
The Call does not concern the general public.
Information: Maristella Sgourou, 2131503774, Email: