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Managing Authority

Managing Authority

In accordance with article 65(2) of Law 4914/2022 on the 2021-2027 NSRF, the ‘Managing Authority for the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ (EPAnEK), established by virtue of article 5(1) of Law 4314/2014 on the 2014-2020 NSRF, is hereby renamed the ‘Managing Authority for the “Competitiveness” Programme’ and, in accordance with articles 7 and 8 of the former, assumes management responsibility as the Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme. The above Managing Authority continues to exercise the powers provided for in Law 4314/2014 on the 2014-2020 NSRF.

By virtue of Ministerial Decision 87051/12.09.2022 (GG 4855 II/15.09.2022) the Managing Authority for the Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness’, renamed in accordance with article 65(2) of Law 4914/2022, was restructured, and Ministerial Decision 67743/ΕΥΘΥ 615/24.6.2015 (II 1248) was repealed.

By the Ministerial Decision No. 87051/12.09.2022 (GG 4855B/14.09.2022), the Special Management Agency of the Competitiveness Programme was restructured, which was renamed by par. 2 of Article 65 of Law No. 65 of the Law. 4914/2022 and repeal of the Ministerial Decision No. 67743/EYΘY 615/24.6.2015 (B’ 1248). The Special Programme Management Agency “Competitiveness”, as Managing Authority under the NSRF 2021-2027, exercises the management responsibilities of the Programme in accordance with Article 8 of Law. 4914/2022 (GG 61 A/2022) and the Management and Control System, also continues to exercise the responsibilities provided for in Law No. 4314/2014 for the Operational Programme (OP) “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation”.

Following the abolition of the Special Secretariat for the Management of ERDF and CS Programmes and the Special Secretariat for the Management of ESF Programmes and the establishment of the General Secretariat for ERDF, CF AND ESF Programmes within the Ministry of Economy and Finance by the Decree No. 50 /2024 (GG 138 A/2024), the Special Service for the Management of the “Competitiveness” Programme is directly subordinated to the General Secretary for the Management of the ERDF, CF and ESF Sectoral Programmes of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance.

The Managing Authority for the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme  is composed of the following eight (8) Units:

Α1. Programme and Horizontal Issue Planning and Evaluation
A2. Action Evaluation and Selection
A3. Evaluation and Monitoring of Programme status in the context of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy
B1. Monitoring and Management of Research and Innovation and Business Infrastructure Operations
B2. Monitoring and Management of state aid operations for SMEs, including self-employed professionals, through grants and financial instruments as well as of the structural adjustment of businesses
B3. Monitoring and Management of employee skill enhancement operations and support for the business environment via the ESF
B4. Monitoring and Management of operations with large data and ICT operations management requirements and IT tool development operations
C. Planning and Support

The Managing Authority of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme is seated at: 56 Mesogeion Avenue, 11527 Athens

Telephone Directory of the Managing Authority for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme


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