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Event for the establishment of a nanotechnology research centre in Thessaloniki

Event for the establishment of a nanotechnology research centre in Thessaloniki

Event for the establishment of a nanotechnology research centre in Thessaloniki

The official event for the announcement of the establishment in Greece of the European Research Center “Center of Excellence for Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies” (COPE–Nano) will take place on Tuesday, May 30 at 15:00, at Porto Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki.

The Project is one of the greatest Greek distinctions among many competing proposals from other European countries and consortia – the first proposal to be financed by the EU for the creation of a Center of Excellence in Greece and the first in Europe in the area of Nanotechnologies.

Representatives from the academic community, regional and local authorities and the Greek government will be attending the event. The Head of the Managing Authority for Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’, Ms. Aggeliki Fetsi, will be participating as a representative of the Special Secretary for the Management of ERDF & CF Programmes.

The COPE–Nano Center of Excellence is a flagship project that aims to expand the internationally recognized LTFN Nanotechnology Laboratory (www.ltfn.gr) of AUTH, into an autonomous, independent and sustainable Center of Excellence in Thessaloniki, which aspires to become a leader at national, European and international level in Basic, Applied and Industrial Research and Innovation in the rapidly developing fields of Organic Electronics, Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology.

The creation of the COPE–Nano Centre of Excellence is supported by the European Commission and the Greek government, with a total budget of €30 million

Event Programme 


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