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Conference on the topic: “National Observatory: Public policy based on reliable data for SMEs” (1-2 November 2023)

Conference on the topic: “National Observatory: Public policy based on reliable data for SMEs” (1-2 November 2023)

Conference on the topic: “National Observatory: Public policy based on reliable data for SMEs” (1-2 November 2023)

The General Secretariat of Industry of the Ministry of Development is organising a two-day conference on the initiative of the Directorate for Entrepreneurship and Small – Medium Enterprises, titled “National Observatory: Public policy based on reliable data for SMEs”. The conference will be held on 1 – 2 November 2023, from 09:30 – 16:00 in the Auditorium of the National Hellenic Research Foundation.

Attendants of the conference will include the Deputy Minister of Development Anna – Mani Papadimitriou and the Secretary General of Industry, Themis Eftychidou; political leaders, industry representatives and social partners are set to make opening remarks. Opening remarks will also be made by the Secretary General of Public Investments – NSRF Dimitrios Skalkos and the Special Secretary for Management of ERDF & SF Programmes, Georgios Zervos.

The results of the Co-funded Action “Adaptation of the National Observatory for SMEs to the needs of the new Development/Industrial Policy 2020-2030 and the policy for SMEs – Development of monitoring and information services and instruments”, EPAnEK, NSRF 2014 – 2020, which encompasses the systematic monitoring and analysis of data on SMEs in Greece, will be presented at the conference.

The National Observatory for SMEs covers a broad spectrum of fields and activities in the wider entrepreneurship sector, contributing to the overall development and support for SMEs. Its main goals are:

–  Providing reliable, processed statistical data from research and studies on the trends in and outlook for SMEs throughout the Greek economy.
–  Improving the quality of services provided to SMEs by the General Secretariat of Industry.
–  Coordinating the existing bodies providing support to SMEs at the central and regional levels.
–  Analysing the business demographics of SMEs to formulate targeted policy proposals.
–  Evaluating data and information for the formulation of proposals and legislative initiatives to facilitate and provide institutional support for entrepreneurship.
–  Promoting the dissemination of information and increased enterprise competitiveness

Also set to be presented at the conference are the results of the sub-projects under the Co-funded Action. These are:

–  Sub-project 1: “Annual competitiveness reports for SMEs for the years 2013 – 2022 on the topic: Current conditions and prospects for SMEs in Greece”
–  Sub-project 2: “Research – Study on supporting liquidity for Greek small and medium enterprises through modern financial instruments”
–  Sub-project 3: “Study on mapping the Handicrafts and Artistic Craftsmanship sector per industry”
–  Sub-project 4: “Development of econometrics models to track the contribution of small and medium enterprises and the processing sector to the key macro-economic figures of the Greek economy”.

The conference will conclude with remarks by representatives of the academic community and the productive sector on the results of the work and the current issues small and medium entrepreneurship faces.

More information on the Action, as well as the programme of the conference, are available through the links below:


https://www.linkedin.com/feed/   INFORMATION NOTE

EYDE-BEK (Managing Authority for Industry, Commerce & Consumers) – YouTube

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