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Monitoring Committee

Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme

Formation and members

The Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme shall be set up under the chairmanship of the General Secretariat for ERDF, CF and ESF Programmes of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The voting members are as follows:

  • A) Representatives of the management, coordination and certification authorities of the NSRF
  • B) Representatives of public authorities, special services and ministry staff structures with competencies in the areas in which the Programme intervenes, as well as a representative of MOU S.A.
  • C) Representatives of ENPE and KEDE
  • D) Representatives of financial and social partners and NGOs
  • E) Representatives of intermediary bodies managing parts of the Programme

The Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme also includes non-voting members.

The Monitoring Committee is tasked with monitoring the implementation and progress of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme and exercising the duties provided for in Article 40 of Regulation (EU) No 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 laying down common provisions on the European structural and investment funds (ESIF) (CPR).

In particular, the Monitoring Committee examines:

  • a) the progress of the implementation of the Programme and the achievement of its milestones and goals.
  • b) all issues affecting the performance of the Programme and the measures taken to address these issues.
  • c) the Programme’s contribution to addressing the challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations associated with the implementation of the Programme.
  • d) the data of the ex ante evaluation for the Financial Instruments to which the Programme contributes, as well as the provisions of the Strategy Paper of Article 59(1) of Regulation 2021/1060, if applicable.
  • e) the progress of the implementation of the Evaluation Plan of the Programme and the monitoring of their conclusions by the Manager.
  • f) the implementation of the Plan’s communication and promotion actions.
  • g) progress in the implementation of actions of strategic importance.
  • h) fulfilment of the necessary appropriate terms and their implementation throughout the Programming Period.
  • i) progress in administrative capacity building of public organisations, partners and beneficiaries.
  • j) information on the implementation of any contribution of the Programme to the InvestEU Programme.


The Monitoring Committee examines and approves:

  • a) the methodology and criteria for selecting operations and their inclusion in the priority axes of the Programme, including any amendments thereof;
  • b) the Final Performance Report of the Programme, prepared by the Managing Authority, before its transmission to the European Commission;
  • c) the Evaluation Plan of the Programme and any amendments thereto;
  • d) any proposal by the Managing Authority to amend a Plan, before it is submitted to the European Commission;
  • e) exemption from the requirement to apply simplified cost options for certain non-State aid operations in the field of research and innovation with total expenditure not exceeding EUR 200,000, which the Managing Authority agrees with and recommends.

The Monitoring Committee meets at least once a year and examines all issues that impact the progress of the Programme in achieving its objectives.

Decisions may also be taken by written procedure, which takes place electronically on the operational platform ‘DIAVLOS’.


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