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3rd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme

3rd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme

3rd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme

The 3rd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the NSRF 2021-2027 will take place in Athens on Monday, 2 December 2024. Reporting time 09:30.

The material of the dossier for the 3rd Monitoring Committee meeting shall be updated with new/supplementary information by the date of the meeting.

The 3rd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme will be hybrid and will be broadcast live via the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpc-yvqzMvGdKWYdYOtLe2rkxSpp39WB8c  to facilitate the participation of those members of the Committee who will not be able to attend. All interested parties will also be able to follow the proceedings of the 3rd meeting via the same link. The material in the file of the 3rd Monitoring Committee meeting will be updated with new/supplementary information up to the day of the meeting.

Attached Files

Invitation to the 3rd meeting of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme Monitoring Committee
Participation Form
Updated draft Agenda for the 3rd meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme
Contribution of the Competitiveness Programme 2021-2027 to the National Smart Specialisation Strategy
Report on Promotion, Transparency and Communication Actions for the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme and subsequent actions
Progress Summary Report


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