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2nd amendment to the Call for Action ‘Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’

2nd amendment to the Call for Action ‘Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’

2nd amendment to the Call for Action ‘Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’

The 2nd amendment to the Call for Action ‘Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’ of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme was published, which sets out that the maximum duration for the completion of the physical and financial scope of the investment plan cannot exceed nine (9) months, from the date of issuance of the Decision approving the evaluation results, as applicable. Funding application with an implementation duration of more than nine (9) months from the date of issuance of the Decision Approving the Evaluation Results shall be removed and any aid paid shall be fully recovered.

The amendment of the Call, inter alia, also concerns changes to the objection process, which allow interested parties, within an exclusive deadline of seven (7) working days from the day following the notification of the final evaluation finding according to the Evaluation Results Approval Decision, to submit an administrative objection (administrative appeal according to Article 25 of Law 2690/1999) exclusively through OPSKE.

See the 2nd amendment to the Call here

See the ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’ Package of Actions here

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