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Updated detailed pre-publication of the ‘Research-Innovate 2021-2027’ Action

Updated detailed pre-publication of the ‘Research-Innovate 2021-2027’ Action

Updated detailed pre-publication of the ‘Research-Innovate 2021-2027’ Action

The main goal of the Action is to link research and innovation with entrepreneurship and improve the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of enterprises in foreign markets, with the purpose of achieving quality innovative entrepreneurship and boosting domestic added-value.


The Action is co-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national funds.


Indicative public expenditure and proposal submission opening date per intervention:

Intervention I        €60,000,000    1st quarter 2023
Intervention II     €180,000,000    2nd quarter 2023
Intervention III     €39,000,000     1st quarter 2023
Intervention ΙV     €21,000,000     2nd quarter 2023
Total:               €300,000,000   

In order to implement their plans, potential beneficiaries can design their research project by taking advantage of a broad range of subsidised expenditure from classic research and development activities: industrial research, experimental development, feasibility studies. Feasibility studies are not funded independently in the context of this Action, but as part of a research project.




a) Enterprises and ‘Other bodies which are treated as enterprises’
b) Research organisations and ‘Other bodies which are treated as research organisations’

For enterprises to be able to participate in the Action, they need to be legally incorporated and operate while being domiciled in Greece or another EU Member State, either as legal entities (e.g., SA, LTD, General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Private Company, Social Cooperative Enterprise) or as personal enterprises.

Problematic enterprises and enterprises whose EU aid recovery decision is pending are excluded.

It is noted that enterprises should be registered with the Real Beneficiaries Register of Article 20, Law 4557/2018 (I/139), as in force, prior to submitting the funding application.

To participate in the Action, every research body participates as a single unit, at Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE) level, i.e., at Tax Registration Number (TRN) level. Should different departments of a School of the same Higher Education Institute (university) or different institutes of the same research centre or different sectors of the same university or different laboratories of the same university or institute participate in a project, the corresponding university or research centre with a single budget, calculated at research organisation level (TRN of the ELKE), will be registered as the research body-partner to OPSKE.


Funding applications should refer to research and innovation projects and fall under one of the four (4) interventions:

  1. Research and development conducted by enterprises
    Intervention Ι addresses existing enterprises, regardless of their incorporation date. Potential beneficiaries are either medium-sized enterprises (individual SME) or groups of companies, including at least one SME. Moreover, the group of companies may be participated in by one (or more) entity(-ies) which belong(s) to ‘Other bodies which are treated as enterprises’.
  2. Partnerships between enterprises and research organisations
    Intervention ΙΙ refers to partnerships between existing enterprises, regardless of their incorporation date, and research organisations, with enterprises as the main recipients. With respect to the intervention, a partnership consists of at least one SME and at least one research organisation. In addition, the partnership may be participated in by
    one (or more) entity(-ies) which belong(s) to ‘Other bodies which are treated as research organisations’.

More specifically, in the context of the intervention:

  • For partnerships of two or more partners-bodies, one must be an SME.
  • For partnerships of more than four partners-bodies, two must be enterprises and at least one should be an SME

III. Utilisation of Research Results
Existing individual SMEs are potential beneficiaries of Intervention III.

IV. Seal of Excellence for enterprises

Potential beneficiaries include small and medium-sized Greek enterprises which were awarded the Seal of Excellence for research and development projects in the context of the EU ‘Horizon Europe’ programme, but did not receive funding due to the available budget being exhausted.



Aided project budget

The maximum aided budget of the funding application for each intervention is set as follows:

Intervention I        €800,000
Intervention II      €2,000,000
Intervention III     €2,000,000
Intervention ΙV    At the level of the Horizon Europe-approved budget.

The opening and closing of proposal submissions will be defined in the ministerial decision pertaining to the Detailed Call for the Action ‘Research – Innovate 2021-2027’.
The Action Call will detail the terms and conditions for funding.

Intermediary Body 

The Management and Implementation Authority for Research, Technological Development and Innovation Actions (MIA-RTDI)



Contact – Information

Detailed information and updates are provided by MIA-RTDI in the link: eyde-etak.gr
For comments and observations, interested parties can send emails to: unitA.eyde@gsrt.gr


See detailed pre-publication of the Action here

This pre-publication does not legally bind the State in terms of the final Call of the programme, and MIA-RTDI reserves the right to amend the terms stated herein.


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