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Strengthening Research and Innovation

Strengthening Research and Innovation

The promotion of research and innovation is fully in line with Greece’s strategy for placing innovation at the heart of a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, accelerating green and digital transition, and ensuring Greece’s technological development. Correspondingly, human resources need to develop the skills required to support upgraded business activity in all sectors.

The interventions will focus on creating conditions and supporting initiatives for the development of industrial research, technology transfer, industrialisation of research results, and startups in the 8 sectors of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (ESEE). Emphasis will also be placed on developing innovation ecosystems with excellence goals and a medium- to long-term perspective for sustainable growth to meet the challenges of transformation and digitalisation.

In tandem, the aim is to meet skills needs in the context of smart specialisation, industrial transition and support for digital transformation, through interventions that upgrade and certify the skills of human resources in horizontal (Industry 4.0, green economy) and sectoral specialisations.

Relevant Actions include targeted training programmes for enterprise personnel and use of specialised personnel by enterprises.

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