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Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Green Transition of SMEs’

Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Green Transition of SMEs’

Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Green Transition of SMEs’


The State Aid Package ‘GREEN TRANSITION of SMEs’ of the Competitiveness Programme (NSRF 2021 – 2027), with a total budget of  €700,000,000 , aims to upgrade the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises.

Eligible expenditure of the Actions includes, inter alia: buildings, facilities and surrounding areas, machinery – equipment, product certification, marketing costs, as well as expenditure for improving energy efficiency and energy saving.

Each individual Action covers investment plans of varying amounts.




Action 1:  Green Transformation of SMEs, refers to enterprises with a subsidised investment plan budget of €200,001 to €1,000,000  (choice of either Regulation (EU) 1407/2013/De minimis or Regulation (EU) 651/2014 / General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)).

Pre-publication of Action 1:Green Transformation of SMEs

Action 2: Green Productive Investment of SMEs, refers to enterprises with a subsidised investment plan budget of €30,000  to €200,000  (Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (De minimis).

Pre-publication of Action 2: Green Productive Investment of SMEs

NoteA funding application can be submitted only for ‘Action 1 ‘Green Transformation of SMEs’ or for ‘Action 2 ‘Green Productive Investment of SMEs’.


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