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Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’

Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’

Pre-publication of Package of Actions ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’

The State Aid Package ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’ of the Competitiveness Programme (NSRF 2021 – 2027), with a total budget of €300,000,000, aims to address Greek enterprises’ delay in adopting and incorporating modern digital technologies in their production activity and covers SMEs’ targeted needs depending on their digital and technological maturity, and their varying investment needs, as follows:


Action 1 – Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs: Concerns enterprises which have yet to incorporate significant information and telecommunication technologies (ITT) in their operations and aim to cover basic applications and equipment shortfalls.

 Pre-publication of Action 1 – Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs


Action 2 – Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs: Concerns enterprises that intend on expanding their digital and technological maturity with integrated investments in new ITTs that will upgrade their competitiveness.

Pre-publication of Action 2 – Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs


Action 3 – Cutting-edge Digital Transformation of SMEs: Concerns enterprises that have already incorporated ITTs in many other operations and now aim to implement integrated investments in cutting-edge technologies or 4th industrial revolution solutions.



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