Within the framework of the Competitiveness Programme NSRF 2021-2027, the ‘Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks 2021-2027’ new action was published, with a total budget of 25 million Euros, with the country’s Research Organisations (Higher Education Institutions, Research Organisations) as Beneficiaries .
The new Action follows on from the previous NSRF 2014-2020 Action, where, through the two Calls implemented, the foundations were laid for the creation of Technology Transfer Offices or Units in most Research Organisations, through the development of basic policies, the staffing of these structures with the necessary personnel, and the familiarisation of Research Organisations in general with Technology Transfer activities.
The Action utilises the research results generated by Greek Public Research Organisations in the priority areas of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027.
The purpose is to create and operate Technology Transfer Networks, as well as to strengthen the Human Resources involved in Technology Transfer at Research Organisations, with the aim of:
- improving Greece’s Innovation indicators;
- increasing private investment rates in knowledge-intensive and high added value sectors;
- industry effectively utilising the results of the research and integrating them into value chains;
- Research Organisations improving their competitiveness on an international level; and
- developing Greece’s human resources by their specialising in skills related to new technologies.
Research Organisations must have a basic organisational Unit/Office for the management of Technology Transfer and should have approved processes that approach all issues faced by a Technology Transfer Unit/Office. The Networks may be the same as those that operated in the context of the 2014-2020 Programming period or new ones may be created. All Bodies to be included in this Call must participate in a network with at least three members.
Each network shall be coordinated by a Body that participated in the Call of Axis II of the 2014-2020 Programming Period and shall be selected by the members of the network based on its experience in implementing Technology Transfer actions and their ability to collaborate and synergise with the other members of the network. Potential Beneficiaries must create Networks consisting of at least 3 Bodies. Each network shall be coordinated by a Body selected by the members of the network based on its experience in implementing Technology Transfer actions and their ability to collaborate and synergise with the other members of the network.
See the Call here