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Green Island (Phase 2)

Green Island (Phase 2)

Green Island (Phase 2)
Κατάσταση: Inactive

Issue date: 10/09/2024
First day for submission: 16/09/2024 at 08:00
Final day for submission: 17/12/2024 at 14:00
Issuing Authority: Managing Authority (MA) for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme

Call Code: 018

Budget:  €6,206,566.00


This Call is addressed to the MUNICIPALITY OF AGIOS EFSTRATIOS and to the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) for the submission of project proposals (operations) in order to be included in and funded by the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Actions ‘1-1.1-06-Green Island (Phase 2)’.

The Action concerns the completion of the operation (Phase 2) that were included in O.P. ‘Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ (EPANEK) of the 2014-2020 Programming Period and may constitute a phasing project according to the provisions of Article 118a of Regulation (EU) 1060/2021.

The Action is an innovative research-demonstration project in which innovative hybrid technologies will be implemented into the island’s electricity system as well as energy saving technologies in the building sector for the penetration of renewable energy sources (RES). The project has an integrated character which is being implemented on Agios Efstratios island aiming at the penetration of RES in the electric power system at a rate of >85%, with a view, at all times, to the security of the island’s energy supply. The project is implemented in phases.

The 2014-2020 programming period includes interventions for power generation, transport and energy saving in public buildings, in particular:
– Power generation – District heating: Hybrid Power Generation and Thermal Energy System The construction of the project is in the implementation phase
– Transport: Creation of basic infrastructure for the use of electric vehicles
– Energy interventions in public buildings

The 2021-2027 Programming Period includes the implementation of interventions for:
– Power generation – District heating: Completion of the project – Operational tests
– Transport: Receipt of electric vehicles
– Completion of energy interventions in municipal buildings

In addition to the above interventions, the Action also includes supporting sub-projects, both for the preparation and implementation of these interventions, and for recording and evaluating the results and ensuring the unimpeded operation of the systems after the completion of the Action.

Information: Sofia Visilia, 2131503643, Email: svisilia@mou.gr


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