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Extroversion of SMEs

Extroversion of SMEs

Extroversion of SMEs

The Action encourages investment plans aimed at utilising and developing modern technologies, upgrading the products produced and/or services provided, and their activities in general, with the aim of improving the competitiveness and openness of enterprises, their integration into international value chains, and strengthening the international presence of the products produced through their participation in trade fairs organised outside Greek territory in the EU and in third countries.

Budget: €200,000.00
The Action is co-funded by the EU, and more specifically by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national funds.





Eligible Enterprises 

Existing medium-sized, small, and micro-enterprises with manufacturing and accompanying services ACNos.


Basic Participation Requirements

The basic requirements for the participation of potential beneficiary enterprises are:

  • Investing exclusively in one Category of Region
  • Having at least two complete approved accounting periods prior to the date of the electronic submission of the application for funding
  • Operating substantially (Main ACN or the ACN with the highest revenues) in one (1) eligible activity ACN, prior to the date of the electronic submission of the application for funding that relates to products that the enterprise wishes to promote through its participation in trade fairs
  • Having the  eligible investment ACNos of this Invitation prior to the electronic submission date of the funding application
  • Already having export activity, with at least 2% of the annual turnover coming from exports of products they produce/process or intending to develop export activity within the duration of implementation of the plan
  • Having at least one (1) employee ALU in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application. This will be confirmed based on the reported data maintained for this enterprise on the ERGANI IT system
  • Operating legally
  • Not having commenced works on the investment plan before the submission of the funding application
  • Operating exclusively as enterprises of a corporate/commercial nature
  • Meeting the implementation requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 (OJ EL L 15.12.2023) of 13 December 2023 (De Minimis) on which the Action is based.


The eligible activity code Nos (ACNos) and all participation requirements shall be set out in the Detailed Invitation of the Action.



Project budget

The minimum budget for each investment plan is €80,000.

Where the investment plan has a budget greater than the maximum defined above, the excess amount shall be considered 100% private participation with regard to the implementation of the plan. In such a case, even though excess expenses are not subsidised, the entire investment plan, including the excess cost, shall be evaluated and monitored-controlled.

The total funded budget for each investment plan may not exceed the highest turnover of any of the three (or fewer, if the enterprise has not been active for three) financial years preceding the year of submission of the application for funding, with an aid ceiling of €200,000.

The maximum duration for the completion of the physical and financial object of the investment plan cannot exceed twenty-four (24) months, from the date of issuance of the Inclusion Decision.

Eligible Expenses 

  • Personnel Costs
  • Equipment Costs
  • Costs for Services Provided
  • Software Costs
  • Promotion & Networking Costs
  • Indirect Costs



Submission and Evaluation of Applications for Funding

Applications for funding are submitted through the Integrated State Aid Management Information System (iSAMIS). No printed supporting documents shall be submitted.

The deadline and submission process, required supporting documents, obligations of the beneficiaries, as well as the other terms of implementation will be described in detail in the Detailed Invitation of the Action.

During the control and evaluation of the applications, cross-reference will take place via National Databases (IAPR, ERGANI) to verify the accuracy of the data contained therein and to prevent fraud against the EU budget.

The Action will be evaluated through Benchmarking.

The period for submitting applications for funding will be specified in the Ministerial Decision of the Detailed Invitation.



Contact – Information

Public Information Office: 8 Dragatsaniou Street, Klafthmonos Square, Athens.
Operating hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00
By phone: 801 11 36 300 from landlines with a local charge from 09:00 to 16:30
Email: infoepan@mou.gr


To see the Pre-publication of the Action, click here


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