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Preliminary publications

Preliminary publications

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22 February 2023
The main goal of the Action is to link research and innovation with entrepreneurship and improve the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of enterprises in foreign markets, with the purpose of achieving quality innovative entrepreneurship and boosting domestic added-value.
7 November 2022
The State Aid Package 'Digital Transformation of SMEs' of the Competitiveness Programme (NSRF 2021 - 2027), with a total budget of €300,000,000, aims to address Greek enterprises’ delay in adopting and incorporating modern digital technologies in their production activity and covers SMEs’ targeted needs depending on their digital and technological maturity, and their varying investment needs.
7 September 2022
The pre-publication of the Action 'Research - Innovate 2021-2027', which aims at strengthening research and innovation and is fully aligned with the national strategy in order to make innovation the focus in a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, but also to accelerate green and digital transition and ensure technological development in Greece, was announced.
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