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Bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Greece and China

Bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Greece and China

Bilateral scientific and technological cooperation between Greece and China
Κατάσταση: Inactive, Inactive

The Action aims to bolster the scientific and technological collaboration between Greece and China and address the needs of enterprises and other bodies active in the research and innovation ecosystem, covering the widest possible spectrum of potential Beneficiaries. The collaboration will generate a dynamic that will facilitate the establishment of researcher networks and strengthen existing partnerships. It is projected to be able to widen access to other sources of funding for international scientific and research programmes.

Online Submission Start Date: Tuesday 03/09/2024 at 13.00
Online Submission End Date: Tuesday 22/10/2024
at 15.00

Maximum subsidised budget for submitted projects proposals: €200,000.



Action Budget: €4,000,000

The Action is co-funded by the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and with the participation of the Hellenic Republic.

€880,000 for the transition regions: Attica and South Aegean.
 for less developed regions: North Aegean, Eastern Macedonia – Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Western Greece, Crete, Western Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Central Greece, Peloponnese.


Aid intensity: from 25% to 80%

The projects to be proposed for funding will be eligible, provided that they relate to research and development projects and the aided project falls under one and/or two of the following categories:
a) industrial research
b) experimental development

The aid intensity of beneficiaries’ research and development projects will be determined by the following:
• the classification of the research and development category of each work module of the project (industrial research, experimental development) and
• the size of the enterprise (micro/small, medium, large).




Beneficiaries of the Action: enterprises and research organisations.

  1. Enterprise: Any legal entity performing economic activity.

The Action is addressed to existing enterprises regardless of establishment which intend to implement research and development projects focused on the sectors included in this Invitation (point 4.4) within the framework of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027 (ESEE).

Enterprises must be duly established and operating in Greece as legal persons, regardless of corporate form. Large enterprises may participate in the Action as partners of at least one small or medium enterprise (SME).

  1. Research Organisation: A Body (such as a university or research centre-institute, technology transfer organisation, innovation intermediary, and digital or brick-and-mortar partnered research body) regardless of legal status (private- or public-law entity) or funding means, the primary objective of which must be the conduct of basic independent research, industrial research or experimental development or the widespread dissemination of the results of said activities through teaching, publications or knowledge transfers. If this body also performs economic activities, funding, expenses and revenue arising from these activities must be declared separately. Enterprises that can decisively influence such an entity, e.g. in the capacity of a shareholder or member, do not have privileged access to the research results that they produce.


Number of beneficiaries per project

Transnational Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) is addressed to the private and public sector of the two cooperating countries. Therefore, the entitlements to submit a proposal is given to partnerships:

  • Private operators (enterprises of all sizes),
  • Public agencies (research and technological bodies, universities, research centres, institutes and their laboratories) and
  • Other operators as defined above, from both countries.


Proposals must include at least two collaborating bodies (including the Coordinating body) from the Greek side, i.e. one (1) research organisation and one (1) SME.

The cooperating entities are required to submit a Cooperation Agreement, the purpose of which is to organise the work between the cooperating entities, to organise the project management, to determine the rights and obligations of the participating entities, and the management of issues related to access and intellectual property rights.


Maximum number of submitted funding applications

Every independent enterprise or body that is treated as an enterprise (at TRN level) may cumulatively participate as a potential beneficiary in up to two (2) funding applications throughout the duration of the Action. Checked when submitting the funding application.

It is noted that there is no restriction on the number of proposals involving a research organisation or entity that is treated as a research organisation.



Eligible Expenses

The eligible expenses for the Action are the costs in Article 25 paragraph 3 of Reg. (EU) 651/2014 for research and development projects, are allocated to a specific category of research and development and shall be the following:

Personnel costs: This category includes personnel costs (researchers and technicians) to the extent employed on the project. These costs include:

  1. A) the beneficiary’s ordinary personnel who are employed in the research facility during the project during the project commencement year and is associated with the beneficiary with a dependent employment relationship (full-time or part-time fixed-term employment, definite-term employment contract);
  2. B) ordinary public sector personnel who are employed in the operation by decision of the competent body of the beneficiary;
  3. C) temporary staff who are employed in the operation in new positions created as a direct consequence of the project either on a fixed-term, full- or part-time basis, or with a compensatory scholarship in accordance with the requirements of Article 15 paragraph 4 of YAEKED [Ministerial Decision of the National Rules on cost eligibility], or project lease agreement, provided the requirements of Article 15, paragraph 3 of decision no. 114947/01.12.2022 (Series II, 6132) (YAEKED) are met.

Single Calculation Coefficient for Eligible Project Costs: A uniform rate of 40% of eligible personnel costs shall be used to cover the remaining costs of the project.

Eligible expenses covered by using the single coefficient of 40% include:

  1. a) depreciation costs of instruments and equipment to the extent and for the period used for the project.
    b) depreciation costs for of buildings and land, to the extent and for the duration period used for the project
    c) costs of contractual research, knowledge and patents bought or licensed from outside sources at arm’s length conditions
    d) additional overheads and other operating expenses, incurred directly as a result of the project (indirect costs).

With their application, beneficiaries commit to utilise 40% of the necessary costs of the subsidised research and development project, which falls within the Action’s eligible research and development categories of Article 25 of Reg. (EU) 651/2014 and in accordance with the eligibility rules of the Management and Control System and this Call.

The cost eligibility starting date shall be the date of submission of the funding application. The maximum duration for the completion of the physical and economic object of the research project cannot exceed twenty-four (24) months from the date of notification of the evaluation results’ decision of approval, with the ability to extend this period by a period of six (6) months, following the submission of documentation by the beneficiaries and approval of the documentation by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation.



Application submission procedure

The funding application is submitted online via the Integrated State Aid Management Information System (iSAMIS) using the standard Funding Application Submission Form that is available on iSAMIS.


Contact – Information

Public Information Office: 8 Dragatsaniou Street, Klafthmonos Square, Athens.
Operating hours Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00
By phone: on 801 11 36 300 from landlines with a local charge from 09:00 to 16:30
Εmail: infoepan@mou.gr
Websiteswww.antagonistikotita.gr  www.espa.gr

For more information interested parties may send e-mails to the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) at China@gsrt.gr 


For more details press here




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