The Action concerns aid of tourism entrepreneurship through the formation or new micro and small and medium-sized enterprises of eligible tourism activity codes (ACNs); thereby promoting the formation of new enterprises which, in addition to contributing towards increasing the growth of the Greek tourism industry, will offer quality and reliable services and will contribute to the enhancement of the tourism product and the increase of employment.
The action concerns aid for investment plans of SMEs that are new or in the process of being established (except those with activity code numbers in retail, catering and industry), which will invest own resources in their respective sectors and create new jobs.
Invitation 009: The Action concerns the support of the operation of the Special Authority for the Management and Implementation of Actions of the Ministry of Development in the areas of Research and Innovation (SAMI RI), as an intermediary body of the 'Competitiveness' Programme.
Invitation 010: The Action concerns the support of the operation of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI), as an intermediary of the "Competitiveness" Programme.
The 2nd Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the NSRF 2021-2027 will take place in Athens on Tuesday, 28 November 2023. Reporting time 09:00.
Approval of conduct of an Open Electronic Tender for the preparation of a study entitled: ‘Evaluation of the impacts of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” per specific objective, overall evaluation and Synthesis Evaluation Report’.
The Action involves the support of new businesses established from 01/01/2022 to 16/10/2023, by formerly unemployed persons aged 30-55, in all regions of the country, except Attica and the South Aegean.
The Action concerns the strengthening of tourism entrepreneurship through the creation of new micro-, small, and medium enterprises of selected tourism ACNos.
The Action concerns support for entrepreneurship through the establishment of new micro-, small, and medium enterprises in specific Activity Code Numbers spanning all sectors of the economy, except for catering, retail, and tourism.
This call is addressed to organisations that fall into the following categories of potential Beneficiaries:
Institutional Social Partners, Institutional Social Partners and/or Scientific Institutes and/or equivalent bodies of the six (6) National Institutional Social Partners:
1. General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) / GSEE Labour Institute
2. Federation of Enterprises (SEV) / Home of Greek Industry
3. Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) / Institute of Small Businesses (IME/GSEVEE)
4. Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE)/ Institute of Commerce and Services-ESEE (INEMY)
5. Greek Tourism Enterprises Association (SETE)/ SETE Institute
6. Federation of Industries of Greece/Institute of the Hellenic Federation of Industries (INSBE)
for the submission of project proposals (operations) for inclusion and financing in the context of the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ECB+” Fund and Actions 4-4.4-05- 4-4.4-05: Modernization of business support services.
Approval of the Draft Evaluation of the Competitiveness Programme via the 5th Written Procedure, as provided for in the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) EU 2021/1060 (Article 44) and drafted according to the Circular 41662/5-05-23 of the Special Service for Coordination of Planning, Evaluation and Implementation (EYSSAE)/Special Service for Coordination and Monitoring of ESF Actions (EYSEKT).
The Executive Summary of Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation’ in the context of NSRF 2014-2020 was published for 2022, aiming to inform citizens on the Operational Programme's implementation progress.
Invitation 007: This call is addressed to European Digital Innovation Hub Operators who have received a Seal of Excellence from the “Digital Europe” Programme, with which Greece participates in the European network, in order to join and receive funding under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ERDF” Fund and the Action: 2-1.2-04- 2-1.2-04: DEVELOPMENT OF A NETWORK OF EUROPEAN DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBS (EDIHS) AND THE CENTRAL MECHANISM FOR SUPPORT OF DIGITAL INNOVATION
Invitation 006: This call is addressed to operators of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHS) that are funded by the “Digital Europe” Programme, with which Greece participates in the European network, in order to join and receive funding under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ERDF” Fund and the Action: 2-1.2-04- 2-1.2-04: DEVELOPMENT OF A NETWORK OF EUROPEAN DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBS (EDIHS) AND THE CENTRAL MECHANISM FOR SUPPORT OF DIGITAL INNOVATION
The official event for the announcement of the establishment in Greece of the European Research Center "Center of Excellence for Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies” (COPE–Nano) will take place on Tuesday, May 30 at 15:00, at Porto Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki.
See the promotional video that was published on the channel of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme for Package of Actions ‘ Green Transition of SMEs’:
As part of the actions for informing on and communicating the ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’ and ‘Green Transition of SMEs’ Package of Actions of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme (NSRF 2021-2027), the Special Secretariat for the Management of ERDF & CF Programmes, the Managing Authority for Operational Programme 'Competitiveness 2021-2027’ and the Intermediary Body of Operational Programmes for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship (EFEPAE) (local Partners – Regional Units) are holding information events in every related Region.
Invitation 004: This call is addressed to SUNLIGHT GROUP ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) to be included and financed under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the ERDF Fund and the Actions “1-1.1-02- 1-1.1-02: Development of lithium battery innovation in the energy storage sector".
We would like to inform all interested parties that we have put together a media kit with useful files for the promotion of Actions ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’, including as infographics, summaries, slides, etc.
Approval through the 4th Written Procedure of the following items:
Evaluation Methodology and Criteria for evaluation and selection of Operations with a ‘Seal of Excellence’ from a Union instrument.
Investment Priority 2: Strengthening entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
For the convenience of any interested parties, a file was posted containing a summary of the key features and differences of Actions ‘Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’, ‘Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs’ and ‘Cutting-edge Digital Transformation of SMEs’, which are in force in the framework of the Package of Actions for the Digital Transformation of SMEs.
Information events for Action ‘Research – Innovate 2021-2027’ of the ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme will be held in Heraklion on Thursday, 6 April 2023 and in Chania on Friday, 7 April 2023.
See the promotional video that was published on the channel of Programme ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ for the Package of Actions ‘ Digital Transformation SMEs’:
Approval through the 3rd Written Procedure of the following items:
Investment Priority 1: Strengthening research and innovation.
Policy objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe through promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
Invitation 005: This call is addressed to the SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE ‘COMPETITIVENESS’ PROGRAMME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) for inclusion and financing in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the ‘ERDF’ & ‘ESF+’ Funds and Actions ‘TB5.2 - Support of the Operation of EFEPAE’, ‘TB6.2 - Support of the Operation of EFEPAE’.
The 'Green Transition of SMEs' Package of Actions promotes investment projects aimed at the utilisation and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of products and/or services and their activities, by subsidising actions that utilise modern technologies, infrastructure, and best practices in energy upgrading and circular economy.
The main goal of the Action is to link research and innovation with entrepreneurship and improve the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of enterprises in foreign markets, with the purpose of achieving quality innovative entrepreneurship and boosting domestic added-value.
The ‘Digital Transformation of SMEs’ Package aims at addressing Greek enterprises’ delay in adopting and incorporating modern digital technologies in their production
Approval through the 2nd Written Procedure of the following items:
Priority 1: Strengthening research and innovation.
Policy objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe through promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
Approval through the 1st Written Procedure of the following items:
Priority 2: Strengthening entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
Special Objective 1.ii: Exploit the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, businesses and governments.
The Programme is an integrated intervention of the NSRF 2021-2027 that will support productive, competitive and outward-looking sectors of the economy in their transition to a growth model driven by the Knowledge Economy.
Invitation 003: This call is addressed to the SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE ‘COMPETITIVENESS’ PROGRAMME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the ERDF and ESF+ funds.
The ‘Competitiveness 2021-2027’ Programme is an integrated intervention in the productive, competitive, and outward-looking sectors of the economy, in their transition to a growth model driven by the Knowledge Economy, reflecting to a great extent the country’s development priorities and in line with the Commission’s new priorities.
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