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Status :
23 October 2024
Invitation 017: This Invitation is addressed to the following categories of potential Beneficiaries: a) Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in partnership with other HEIs and/or Research Centres that are potential beneficiaries of this Invitation and b) Research Centres under Article 13A of Law 4310/2014, with the exception of case B, in partnership with Universities and/or other Research Centres, potential beneficiaries of this Invitation for the submission of project proposals (acts), in order to be included and financed in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, the ERDF, and Actions ‘1-1.1-07- Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks’.
Status :
10 September 2024
Invitation 018: This Call is addressed to the MUNICIPALITY OF AGIOS EFSTRATIOS and to the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) for the submission of project proposals (operations) in order to be included in and funded by the 'Competitiveness' Programme, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Actions '1-1.1-06-Green Island (Phase 2)’.
Status :
4 September 2024
Invitation 014: This call is addressed to the potential beneficiaries: a) COGNITIVE INNOVATIONS PRIVATE COMPANY and b) sunlight group energy storage systems industrial and commercial SOCIETE ANONYME for the submission of project proposals (operations) to be included in and funded under the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the ‘ERDF’ Fund, the Actions: 1-1.1-04- Development of innovations in the field of Microelectronics.
Status : ,
3 September 2024
The Action aims to bolster the scientific and technological collaboration between Greece and China and address the needs of enterprises and other bodies active in the research and innovation ecosystem, covering the widest possible spectrum of potential Beneficiaries. The collaboration will generate a dynamic that will facilitate the establishment of researcher networks and strengthen existing partnerships. It is projected to be able to widen access to other sources of funding for international scientific and research programmes.
Status : ,
4 July 2024
Invitation 013: This call is addressed to the Public Employment Service (DYPA) for the submission of project proposals (operations), to be included and funded under the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the ‘ESF+’ Fund and the Actions 4-4.1-01-New entrepreneurship programme for 1,900 beneficiaries aged 30 to 55 with an emphasis on the digital economy. 
Status : ,
19 June 2024
EquiFund II is a Fund-of-Funds with portfolio of €200 million, which aims to support innovative enterprises active in two promising sectors of Greece’s economy: a) Life sciences & Healthcare and b) Sustainability & Social impact. The initiative will support these enterprises to enable better access to equity funding and increase their competitiveness by making full use of their development potential.
Status : ,
10 June 2024
The Action aims to strengthen the extroversion and competitiveness of the research and innovation system through the development of co-operations between research organisations and enterprises of other countries. In particular, the Action aims to promote and support the co-operation between research organisations and enterprises from Greece and Germany that employ highly qualified scientific personnel. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is the competent authority for Germany.
Status : ,
17 May 2024
The Action aims to connect research and innovation with entrepreneurship, strengthen the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of Greek enterprises in international markets and facilitate the transition to quality innovative entrepreneurship, increasing domestic added value.
Status :
15 May 2024
Invitation 016: This Call addresses Legal Entities under Private Law (NPID) (Trade Associations, Municipalities) and Legal Entities under Public Law (NPDD) (Chambers) for the submission of proposals for projects (actions), in order to be included in and funded by the 'Competitiveness' Programme, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Actions ‘2-1.3-06-Open Trade Centres – Phase 2’.
Status :
27 February 2024
Invitation 249790: This Call of Expression of Interest addresses financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘Financial Institution’ or ‘FI’) that operate in Greece, to enter the partnership aimed at providing guaranteed loans via the Guarantee Fund known as the ‘TEPIX III Guarantee Fund III’ (hereinafter ‘Guarantee Fund’ or ‘Fund’) of the Hellenic Development Bank SA. (Hereinafter ‘HDB’).
Status :
23 February 2024
Invitation 012: This Call is addressed to the European Investment Fund (EIF) for the submission of project proposals (operations) in order to be included in and funded by the 'Competitiveness' Programme, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Actions '3-1.1-1.3-01-EQUIFUND II’.
Status :
18 December 2023
Invitation 011: This Call is addressed to the HELLENIC DEVELOPMENT BANK SA for the submission of proposals for projects (operations), in order to be included in and funded by the 'Competitiveness' Programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Status :
18 December 2023
The Action concerns aid of tourism entrepreneurship through the formation or new micro and small and medium-sized enterprises of eligible tourism activity codes (ACNs); thereby promoting the formation of new enterprises which, in addition to contributing towards increasing the growth of the Greek tourism industry, will offer quality and reliable services and will contribute to the enhancement of the tourism product and the increase of employment.
Status :
1 August 2023
This call is addressed to organisations that fall into the following categories of potential Beneficiaries: Institutional Social Partners, Institutional Social Partners and/or Scientific Institutes and/or equivalent bodies of the six (6) National Institutional Social Partners: 1. General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) / GSEE Labour Institute 2. Federation of Enterprises (SEV) / Home of Greek Industry 3. Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) / Institute of Small Businesses (IME/GSEVEE) 4. Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE)/ Institute of Commerce and Services-ESEE (INEMY) 5. Greek Tourism Enterprises Association (SETE)/ SETE Institute 6. Federation of Industries of Greece/Institute of the Hellenic Federation of Industries (INSBE) for the submission of project proposals (operations) for inclusion and financing in the context of the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ECB+” Fund and Actions 4-4.4-05- 4-4.4-05: Modernization of business support services.
Status :
30 May 2023
Invitation 007: This call is addressed to European Digital Innovation Hub Operators who have received a Seal of Excellence from the “Digital Europe” Programme, with which Greece participates in the European network, in order to join and receive funding under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ERDF” Fund and the Action: 2-1.2-04- 2-1.2-04: DEVELOPMENT OF A NETWORK OF EUROPEAN DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBS (EDIHS) AND THE CENTRAL MECHANISM FOR SUPPORT OF DIGITAL INNOVATION
Status :
30 May 2023
Invitation 006: This call is addressed to operators of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHS) that are funded by the “Digital Europe” Programme, with which Greece participates in the European network, in order to join and receive funding under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the “ERDF” Fund and the Action: 2-1.2-04- 2-1.2-04: DEVELOPMENT OF A NETWORK OF EUROPEAN DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBS (EDIHS) AND THE CENTRAL MECHANISM FOR SUPPORT OF DIGITAL INNOVATION
Status :
10 May 2023
Invitation 004: This call is addressed to SUNLIGHT GROUP ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) to be included and financed under the “Competitiveness” Programme, the ERDF Fund and the Actions “1-1.1-02- 1-1.1-02: Development of lithium battery innovation in the energy storage sector".
Status :
30 March 2023
Invitation 005: This call is addressed to the SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE ‘COMPETITIVENESS’ PROGRAMME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) for inclusion and financing in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme of the ‘ERDF’ & ‘ESF+’ Funds and Actions ‘TB5.2 - Support of the Operation of EFEPAE’, ‘TB6.2 - Support of the Operation of EFEPAE’.
Status :
7 March 2023
The 'Green Transition of SMEs' Package of Actions promotes investment projects aimed at the utilisation and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of products and/or services and their activities, by subsidising actions that utilise modern technologies, infrastructure, and best practices in energy upgrading and circular economy.
Status :
11 January 2023
Invitation 003: This call is addressed to the SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE ‘COMPETITIVENESS’ PROGRAMME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the ERDF and ESF+ funds.
Status : ,
29 December 2022
Invitation 002: This call is addressed to the SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE ‘COMPETITIVENESS’ PROGRAMME for the submission of proposals for projects (operations) in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme and the ERDF and ESF+ funds.
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