Action 2 ‘Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs’
The priority of Action 2 ‘Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs’ is the upgrading of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Medium Digital Maturity by utilising advanced systems and technologies through which they can improve their position in international markets, enhance their operational flexibility, improve their production and upgrade their competitiveness.
Application opening date: 23/02/2023 at 12:00 until22.03.2024at 15:00
Minimum/maximum subsidised budget:
50.000€ to 650.000€
Aid intensity:
From 10% to 50%, depending on the Region, the enterprise size and the eligible expenditure.
Action Budget: €150,000,000
Public Expenditure is co-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national funds.
Budget allocation per regional category:
- €33,000,000 for Transition Regions: Attica and South Aegean
- €117,000,000 for Less Developed Regions: North Aegean, Eastern Macedonia – Thrace, Central Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Western Greece, Crete, Western Macedonia, Ionian Islands, Peloponnesus, Central Greece.
Beneficiaries: existing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises which, inter alia, must:
- have completed at least one (1) accounting period;
- have been active in one of the eligible activity code numbers (KAD) of the investment plan for at least one (1) year;
- have at least one (1) eligible activity code number (KAD) at the time of submission of the financing application of the investment plan included in Annex XI – ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (KADs);
- have an investment which exclusively concerns activity code numbers (KADs) included in Annex XI – ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (KADs);
- have at least five (5) employee AWUs during the calendar year preceding the submission of the financing application;
- not have commenced work on the investment plan prior to submitting the aid application;
- have scored at least 80 on the digital maturity questionnaire found in this Call.
It is stressed that co-location of enterprises is not permitted, so that the equipment and/or software of the aided investment cannot be used by a different enterprise. The term “co-location” means the establishment of the aided enterprise in the same, non-discrete premises as a different enterprise. Where co-location of enterprises allowing for use of the aided investment equipment by a different enterprise is ascertained, the inclusion decision shall be revoked.
All the requirements for beneficiary participation are presented in detail in the Action Call.
Eligible Expenditure
- Expenditure for equipment (by way of example): procurement of advanced systems for facility or staff operation, automation of production using robotics systems, upgrading of internal data transfer networks, etc.
- Expenditure for equipment for the production of modern technological equipment and advanced digital systems with indicative but focused expenditure (by way of example): procurement of advanced technological systems and mechanical equipment for the production of Industry 4.0 systems and equipment, security systems and equipment (e.g., surveillance of premises, cyber-protection, etc.), automation systems, robotics systems, etc.
- Expenditure for software (by way of example): procurement of modern applications concerning administrative and economic planning, digital security, customer and supply chain management, data analysis using artificial intelligence tools, optimisation of production, upgrading of the services provided, etc.
- Expenditure for the provision of services associated with digital upgrading (by way of example): technical support for the configuration and incorporation of new systems in the operation of SMEs, certification of systems, etc.
The date of submission of the financing application is set as the starting date for eligibility of expenditure.
Maximum duration of completion of the physical and financial scope: Fifteen (15) months from the date of issue of the Inclusion Decision.
Application Submission Procedure
Financing applications are submitted exclusively using electronic means via the Integrated State Aid Information System (OPSKE) using the standardised Financing Application Submission Form available on OPSKE (Indicative Form found in Annex I).
OPSKE User Manual Financing Application
Financing applications may be submitted only for ‘Action 1 – Basic Digital Transformation of SMEs’ or ‘Action 2 – Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs’ or ‘Action 3 – Cutting-edge Digital Transformation of SMEs’.
Financing applications will be evaluated in order of priority, in accordance with the date and time of electronic submission (finalisation) to the OPSKE.
The Action will remain open until the Budget has been exhausted.
Action Communication Material
Action Infographic in PDF format
You can contact us about the Competitiveness Program in the following ways :
Public Information Office –8 Dragatsaniou, Klathmonos square, Athens.
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 02:00 pm
At 801 11 36 300 (call only from landline with urban charge)
Hours: Monday – Friday: 09:00 a.m. – 04:30 pm
E-mail: infoepan@mou.gr