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Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

The focus of the national development policy is the upgrading, expansion and shifting of the production base to environmentally friendly processes, enlargement of the manufacturing sector, interconnection with international markets, and support of the digital transformation of Greek SMEs so that they can respond to international challenges and remain competitive.

  • Digital transformation

A key objective is the adaptation of Greek Industry and SMEs to the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution, supported by the development and implementation of appropriate digital transformation plans. One goal is to shift the ICT value chain towards an open, innovative, identifiable and sustainable critical mass of digital products and services capable of creating innovative entrepreneurship and/or introducing businesses in other sectors into global, digital value chains. A top priority is investment in the digital transformation of enterprises (including, inter alia, tourism, modern culture, and supply chain enterprises), as well as in their technological and organisational upgrading, aiming at increasing domestic added value and entry into (new) international markets.

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

A key objective is to improve the position of Greek production in international markets through the operational flexibility and performance of enterprises, faster production speeds, and the organisation of collaboration and new business models in smart value chains based on environmentally friendly processes and products.


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