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New Action ‘Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks 2021-2027’

New Action ‘Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks 2021-2027’

New Action ‘Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks 2021-2027’
Κατάσταση: Inactive

Issue date: 23/10/2024
First day for submission: 29/10/2024 at 08:00
Final day for submission: 13/12/2024 at 16:00
Issuing Authority: Managing Authority (MA) for the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme

Call Code: 017

Budget:  €25,000,000.00


This Invitation is addressed to the following categories of potential Beneficiaries:

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in partnership with other HEIs and/or Research Centres that are potential beneficiaries of this Invitation.
  • Research Centres under Article 13A of Law 4310/2014, with the exception of case B, in partnership with Universities and/or other Research Centres, potential beneficiaries of this Invitation for the submission of project proposals (acts), in order to be included and financed in the framework of the ‘Competitiveness’ Programme, the ERDF, and Actions ‘1-1.1-07- Technology Transfer Unit/Office Networks’.


The Scope of the Invitation is to utilise the research results produced by Greek Public Research Organisations (Higher Education Institutions, Research Centres) in the priority areas of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027 (NSSS) (II 3359). Its purpose is to support the creation and operation of Technology, Know-how and Human Resource Technology Transfer Networks at Research Organisations with the aim of:

  1. Industry effectively utilising the results of the research and integrating them into national or international value chains. These partnerships lead both to increased competitiveness of the Economy and resolving major Social Problems.
  2. Greek Research Organisations acquiring expertise in Technology Transfer matters, which is a requirement for them to be competitive on an international level, as well as being a requirement for the development of these skills on all levels of the Greek economy.
  3. Improving Greece’s innovation indicators, such as PCT patent application submissions and joint publications between the private and public sectors. These indicators are related to Technology Transfer Indicators (Patent applications, agreements on partnerships with or concession of rights of use to the private sector, creation of spinoffs, etc.) where Greek Research Organisations have shown very low activity.
  4. Increasing private investment rates in knowledge intensive and high added value sectors; The ability of the innovation ecosystem to prove its capability to develop, protect, and manage new technologies is decisive in such an effort.
  5. Developing Greece’s human resources by their specialising in skills such as registering intellectual property, evaluating new technologies, and negotiating complex economic contracts related to new technologies. These skills are essential for the transition of the Economy to an operating model based on knowledge and new technologies.

Networks can be simple partnerships of Bodies without being a separate legal entity that will manage the entire budget. An additional amount is provided for the Network Coordinator to cover the needs of the coordination actions to be implemented.



The Budget of a Technology Transfer Unit/Office can be divided into three categories:
A. Technology Transfer Actions
Β. Operation of the Technology Transfer Unit/Office
C. Information, education, and training actions

Participation requirements

The conditions for Research Organisations to participate in this invitation, regardless of whether they participated in the previous Invitations of the 2014-2020 period or not, are:
a. The existence of a Technology Transfer Unit/Office which, regardless of its experience, must operate based on operating Policies and Procedures approved by the Body.
b. The adoption by the Body of the necessary Policies that will determine the manner in which the Body manages issues related to the development of research/technology transfer. These Policies must be set out in the Body’s Rules of Procedure, whether published in the Government Gazette or approved by the competent instrument of the Body.
c. The participation of the Body in a ‘Network’ consisting of at least three members. Each network shall be coordinated by a Body that participated in the Call of Axis II of the 2014-2020 Programming Period and shall be selected by the members of the network based on its experience in implementing Technology Transfer actions and their ability to collaborate and synergise with the other members of the network.
d. d) The submission by the Body of an Operating Plan of the Technology Transfer Unit/Office, for the funding period since this Invitation, which will provide for the staffing and resources the Unit/Office will need for the implementation period, the Technology Transfer actions to be implemented by the Unit/Office, and the indicators pertaining to the operation of the Unit/Office shall be outlined, as defined in the Invitation.
e. The submission by the coordinator of a Technology Transfer Network Operating Plan.
f. The duration of the implementation of the Operating Plans of the Technology Transfer Unit/Office is four (4) years.


Information: E. Zoggou, 2131503784, Email: elenzogg@mou.gr, Ν. Anastasopoulou, 2131503646, Email: nanastasopoulou@mou.gr 

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