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May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024

Status :
29 May 2024
The Fund aims to improve access to finance for all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to support and develop their business activity, so as to cover a wide range of their financing needs.  Moreover, the programme aims to enhance the productivity of the enterprises, by improving their processes for products & services produced and, by extension, to improve their competitiveness and their position in international markets.
Status :
29 May 2024
The formation of the Guarantee Fund is an important step towards the support and well-being of existing and newly established small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Fund was designed to support SMEs in our country, not only by offering them the necessary liquidity and the necessary funds for investments, but also the ability to reduce their financing costs. The zero guarantee fee, the grace period and the interest rate subsidy make funding more affordable, while revolving credit provides the flexibility that SMEs need to meet the ever-changing market needs. In addition, investment purpose and special-purpose working capital provide SMEs with the ability to implement their strategic investments, to expand and strengthen their competitiveness.
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